Only Administrators can directly create cards on Float. If you are a Spender or Manager, you can submit a Spend Request for Admin approval in order to receive a new card.
Physical cards will not ship until shipping details are set by the creating/approving Administrator or the assigned Spender. For CAD Float Cards, a PIN is also required to be set before a card can ship.
Ordering a new physical card
Physical cards can be shipped directly to a Spender's office or home address almost anywhere in the world (Exceptions).
Creating a Physical Float Card:
- Log-in to and navigate to the Cards Page
- Select "Create Card" > Fill out the card details
Select "Create"
Optionally you canset shipping details and set a PIN on behalf of the user. Spenders will also receive an email to complete this step themselves. The card will not ship until the shipping details and PIN are set.
Setting Shipping Details for Physical Cards
Spenders will receive an email to complete their Shipping Details once a card is created.
Shipping information cannot be changed once set. Additional information on shipping timelines can be found here.
Admins can also choose to fill out the shipping details on behalf of a Spender.
Setting a PIN
Administrators can choose to set the PIN on behalf of a Spender. To do this, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Cards > Physical > {specific card}
- Follow the prompts to set a PIN for the new card.
As a best practice, guide the Spender to set the PIN themselves. If setting the PIN on behalf of a Spender, avoid communicating the PIN electronically.
The PIN can be changed once the card is delivered and activated! For detailed instructions on how to change a PIN, please review this help centre article: Resetting a Physical Card PIN.