To receive direct Reimbursement payouts from Float, Spenders first need to have their bank details for payout configured. Administrators can add (but not view or edit) another user's banking information, or any user can add (or edit) their own banking information.
If you're a Spender looking to update your own bank details, click here.
Adding a Spender's banking information as an Administrator
- Log-in to
- Choose "Users" from the left sidebar and click a user.
- Under "Connect Bank", click "Edit".
- Enter Elevated Access Verification Code
- Enter the institution, transit, and account numbers, then click Connect Account. Currently only Canadian accounts are supported for Reimbursement payments.
Note: No user (including Administrators) can view or edit another user's already-added banking information. After an Administrator adds a Spender's banking information, it can only be edited by the Spender themselves.
Adding your own bank account information
Employees can connect their bank account through Plaid or by configuring the connection directly.
From the Float Website
- Log-in to
- Navigate to Settings > Profile
- Sign into your bank via Plaid to instantly connect your account, or choose Manually Connect Account to enter your banking details.
From the Float Mobile App
- Select your initials in the upper left corner of the screen to open the Settings menu
- Navigate to "Payout Details"
- Manually enter your banking details or select "Connect with Plaid" to search for your bank.