Before you File: Good faith attempt and other requirements
Before filing a dispute, it's important to note that Visa regulations stipulate the necessity of a good-faith attempt to resolve issues with the merchant before initiating a dispute. If you're facing a service or technical-related problem, you should always try to resolve the issue with the merchant. Failure to attempt resolution with the merchant may result in your dispute being deemed invalid by Visa.
Only fraud disputes do not require an attempt to resolve with the merchant.
Understanding what constitutes an invalid dispute is essential for both cardholders and merchants. By recognizing these scenarios, you can navigate the dispute resolution processes effectively and ensure it is used for its intended purpose – addressing genuine issues related to purchases, and promoting a fair and transparent transaction environment.
Examples of Invalid Disputes
- Disputes Filed After the Deadline: Filing a dispute after the designated deadline accepted by Visa may lead to its invalidation. Our policy dictates that only transactions within the last 60 days are eligible for dispute consideration. Transactions that occurred over 60 days ago do not meet Visa's eligibility criteria.
- False Claims of Non-Delivery: Disputes claiming non-delivery when the merchandise was delivered may be considered invalid.
- Failure to Adhere to Vendor's Return Policy: Disputes may be deemed invalid if cardholders don't follow the vendor's return policy for resolving issues.
- Non-Compliance with Discount or Bonus Policies: Disputes related to discounts or bonuses may be invalid as disputes are designed to handle issues with actual products or services, fraudulent transactions, or technical issues.
- Vendor's Terms of Service and Agreements: If the vendor's Terms and Conditions were clearly presented during the payment process, and you agreed to them before the purchase, and if your issue is covered within their terms of service, then it may be considered invalid.
If you're unsure of whether your dispute is valid or not, please feel free to reach us at and we'd be happy to help!