For companies that require an additional review by managers on the card transactions of their teams after they spend, Float recommends setting up a Transaction Review step.
When the feature is turned on, transactions will be routed to a specific assigned individual for their review as part of your spend policies. The specific routing logic is based on the type of transaction, the dollar value of the transaction, the Teams that you have set up, and the Review Policies that you’ve created.
Type of Transaction
Only Settled transactions will be routed for review. Pending transactions, Refunds, Cashback, Float billing charges, Refunds for excess cashback, Cashback refunds, and any exceptional Float-funded refunds will not be routed for review.
Teams and Review Policies
Each Team can be associated with one Review Policy. The same Review Policy can be associated with multiple Teams.
When a Transaction is tagged with a Team, Float will look to see which Review Policy is associated with that Team. If there is a Review Policy, the rules outlined in that policy will dictate who the transaction is routed to for review. If there is no Review Policy associated with that Team (or if the Transaction is not tagged with a Team), the rules outlined in the Default Review Policy will dictate who the transaction is routed to for review.
Dollar Value of Transaction
You can customize Review Policies to route the transaction to a different individual depending on the dollar value of a transaction. As an example, many companies using this feature will set a dollar threshold below which no review is required, but route the transaction to an individual’s direct manager above a certain dollar amount.