Float Professional Plan customers can configure Single Sign-On using SAML to allow users to easily authenticate and access Float.
If your business' IdP is not Okta, please refer to: Configuring SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) to Float
This setup involves systems outside of Float. If you're not familiar with SAML configuration, we recommend involving a member of your business' IT team.
Configuring Okta for SAML SSO to Float
1. Log-in to the Okta Admin Console and go to Applications > Applications.
2. Click "Create App Integration" > Select "SAML 2.0" as the Sign-In method > Next
3. Name the app "Float", use the image below for the app logo, then click "Next"
5. Keep Okta open and in a separate browser tab or window, log-in to Float and go to Settings > Security > SAML. Scroll to the Service Provider Configuration Info.
As of December 2024, the ACS URL has been updated to reflect Float's new floatfinancial.com domain.
Copy the ACS URL, return to the Okta tab and paste it into the Single Sign On URL field.
6. Switch back to Float SAML tab and copy the Entity ID. Return to the Okta tab and paste it into the "Audience URI (SP Entity ID)" field. Leave all other settings in their default state.