AP Clerks or Administrators can upload bills to Float. Bills uploaded to Float require approval and will be routed to the individual(s) selected in the chosen approval policy to approve or deny the bill.
Approve or Deny a Bill Request:
- Log-in to Float and navigate to Bill Pay on the left sidebar.
- Spenders & Managers will not see the Bill Pay section if they have no bills to approve.
- Under "Approvals", bills which are currently assigned to you for approval will be displayed. and choose to approve or decline the bill. Approvers can review the information submitted in the request and choose to Approve or Decline the bill.
- If the bill is Approved, the bill will move to the Unpaid section and notify the bill requester and administrators to proceed with next steps of scheduling the payment.
- If the bill is Declined, the bill will move back to the Drafts section and an email with the decline reason will be sent to the bill requester. The bill can be resubmitted with the appropriate changes based on the decline reason or deleted if it is no longer required.