When you attempt to connect your account, there may be a few issues that arise depending on your bank account type, method of connection, and currency type. This article is here to help you troubleshoot some of the most common issues faced by customers when connecting their bank accounts.
What if the bank I am with is not one of the options present in Flinks when trying to connect it to my Float account?
This is not an issue at all! If you try to connect with our default method but cannot find your bank, try the following:
- Attempt to search for your bank's formal name in Flinks (ie. CIBC = "bank of commerce")
- Search for BMO business instead of BMO
- Scroll down the list and see if you can find the bank manually from the dropdown
If you still cannot find your bank, please send us an email at support@floatcard.com and we can set you up with a connection manually with microdeposit!
What if I tried a manual connection but I can't seem to find the micro-deposit in my account?
A micro-deposit is a small amount of money that Float sends to verify that the bank account you tried to connect via a manual connection is indeed the one that you own. Typically, you will see a deposit in your chequing account that is under $5.00 sent to your account after 3 business days.
To troubleshoot this issue:
- Search for "float" in your transactions list for the month on your bank statement page
- Ensure that you have waited 3 business days
If you still cannot find the microdeposit, email support@floatcard.com and we can either check whether the details you entered were correct OR help you with a new connection!
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