As of July 2022 we have started adding Card Holder names onto cards, so this should no longer be an issue anywhere. In the event you have removed the feature allowing cardholder names on cards (please contact if you wish to do this), then this guide is still valid for you.
Some users may have opted to batch order a large amount of cards to one single location. When you get these cards, you may have trouble differentiating which card is which, since we currently do not have engraved names (This is coming very soon!).
Follow these steps for the easiest way to activate multiple physical cards:
1. Go to
2. Enter the last 4 digits of any card. Once activated, when you go to, the card will be active and you will be able to see which card you activated by matching the last 4 digits.
If you are a user of multiple cards, until we have engraving enabled (this summer), we recommend that you recognize the last 4 digits (ie. 1234 is for billing or 5678 is for netflix). Alternatively, you can sharpie the back of the card to signify which card is which.