This article walks you through setting up your direct NetSuite integration with Float.
You must be an administrator-level user on NetSuite to enable the connection. If you are unable to access certain areas of NetSuite mentioned in this guide, please ensure that you have administrator permissions on NetSuite.
You must also be an Administrator or primary administrator on Float to enable the connection.
Note: Netsuite integrations are available only to customers on the professional plan. Please reach out to support to upgrade!
Open the Netsuite Connection Form in Float
Go to Settings → Accounting Sync → Connect Netsuite
The form you see here will be where you will paste credentials and identifiers from NetSuite throughout the process, so keep it open in a separate tab, while you navigate to your NetSuite account
Get Account ID
Go to Setup→ Integration →SOAP Web Services Preferences
- Copy Account ID, paste into the Float form
Enable Web Services
Go to Setup → Company → Enable Features
- Click the SuiteTalk tab
- Scroll to SuiteTalk (Web Services) and check “SOAP Web Services”
- Scroll to Manage Authentication and select “Token Based Authentication”
- Scroll to the bottom and click Save
Create An Integration Role
Go to Setup → Users / Roles → Manage Roles → New
- For Name, enter “Float Integration Role”
- Under Subsidiary Restrictions, check “All”
- Under Authentication, check “Web Services Only Role”
- Under Permissions, please grant the following:
Transactions → Currency Revaluation
Transactions → Make Journal Entry
Transactions → Bills
Transactions → Journal Approval
Lists → Accounts
Lists → Classes
Lists → Currency
Lists → Departments
Lists → Locations
Lists → Subsidiaries
Lists → Tax Records
Lists → Vendors
Setup → Log in using Access Tokens
Setup → SOAP Web Services
Setup → Custom Segment *OPTIONAL*
Setup → Custom Record → {Segment Name} *OPTIONAL*
- Once all the permissions are added, click Save at the bottom.
Please note that Classes and Departments can be renamed in Netsuite. If you have renamed Classes, then the permission-associated Classes will be renamed as well. For example, if Classes were renamed as Cost Centres, you'll need to select the Lists > Cost Centres permission.
*OPTIONAL* These permissions are only necessary if you want to sync and track Custom Segments with Float.
Custom Segments
(OPTIONAL: This step is only necessary if you want to sync and track Custom Segments with Float.)
For each Custom Segment, go to Customization → Custom Segment → Permissions
Set the RECORD ACCESS LEVEL to Edit for the Float Integration role only
2. Note the ID of the Custom Segment. Once Netsuite has synced, you'll need to add this ID in Float to finish creating the Custom Segment.
Add the New Role to your User
Go to Setup → Users/Roles → Manage Users
- Click on your user, and wait for the page to load
- Click Edit, then navigate to the Access tab in the bottom navigation bar.
- At the bottom, under Roles, add the “Float Integration Role”
- Click Save
Create an Integration
Go to Setup → Integration → Manage Integrations → New
- Under 'Name', fill in “Float Integration”
- Under Authentication
- Check “Token Based Authentication”
- Uncheck “TBA: Authorization Flow”
- Under Oauth 2.0, Uncheck “Authorization Code Grant”
- Click save and do not navigate away from the page
- Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, and paste them into the Float form
Create an Access Token
Go to Setup → Users/Roles → Access Tokens → New
- For Application name, select the Integration you just created: “Float Integration”
- For User, select your User
- For Role, select the Role that you just created: “Float Integration Role”
- Token Name will get generated automatically
- Click save and do not navigate away from the page
- Copy the Token Key and Token Secret, and paste them into the Float form
Submit the Float Connection Form!
Go back to Float, click Connect, and wait for the connection to finish! From there you should hit the big blue Sync button and wait for your Netsuite Data to flow into Float.