Spenders, typically employees who are not Float account admins, can use Float to request spend. Spend requests will be routed to the account admin to approve, deny or edit the transaction. Want to learn how to Request Spend as a Spender? Please visit our guide on requesting spend here.
You can do this in several ways:
Via Float Admin Account:
You can find all pending spend requests by logging into your account as an admin and navigating to 'Requests' on the left sidebar. From there you can find the request and approve or decline it. You can also edit it by clicking the body of the request - this will open a right sidebar 'Spend Request Details' where you can edit request details before saving and approving.
Via Email:
You should receive an email when a spender requests spend. Click through the link in the email - this should redirect you to the 'Requests' page in your admin account. From there you can find the request and approve or decline it. You can also edit it by clicking the body of the request - this will open a right sidebar 'Spend Request Details' where you can edit request details before saving and approving.
Via Slack:
If you use Float's Slack integration, you should receive a notification (as an admin) every time a spend request is submitted. Navigate to the Float Slack channel to see all Float Slack updates, including spend requests. You can Approve or Decline those requests right from within Slack. If you want to edit the transaction, click 'View other requests' to be redirected to the Float 'Requests' page where you can manually edit transactions before approving them.