When processing a reimbursement payment through Float, you might be wondering: how long will it take for payment to reach your employee? Here’s a quick guide to help you understand reimbursement payment processing times with Float.
From Float Balance:
- When paying reimbursements from your Float balance, payments typically take 1-2 business days to reach your employee’s account.
- Paying Reimbursements from your Float balance is 4x faster than paying from a bank! Funds held in your pre-funded Float account will earn 4% interest.
How Long Does It Take for Reimbursement Payments to Reach Employees?
From Float Balance: Payments typically take only 1-2 business days to reach your employee when you pay from your Float balance.
Is There a Maximum Payment Volume That Can Be Processed?
Float has no payment limits, meaning you can process reimbursement payments of any size without restriction. This flexibility allows you to manage your finances efficiently, regardless of the volume of transactions.
Note: Since reimbursements are paid through your Float balance; you can set up Auto-Funding to ensure you never run out of funds. Refer to this guide on Auto-Funding to set this up.
How Are Reimbursement Payments Processed with Float?
Payments in Float are completed in batches, simplifying your payment workflow by consolidating multiple transactions into a single withdrawal from your Float balance. For example, if you schedule payments for multiple reimbursements on the same day, Float will make one withdraw from your Spending Power for the total amount of all those reimbursements.
For more information on Batch Payments, see: How Do Batch Payments Work?
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